Here's What People in the Music Industry are Saying:
"As the Hip Hop world gets more crowded, it's more difficult
for you to make your project stand out. "This Game..." is an
invaluable guide to the inner workings of the Rap industry.
To succeed, you must know the rules of the game, and this book
tells it all like it is!"
-- Jon Shecter, Editor-in-Chief, SOURCE MAGAZINE
"A must-have for anyone who wants to know the business of Rap Music!"
--Sheena Lester, Editor, RAPPAGES MAGAZINE
"Carry this around with you and treat it like your Bible!"
" I would be happy to include a link to your site...i'll even include it
in my banner section...
When i first began my independent label it was after reading the
inaugural version of your book...remember, the spiral bound copies? i've
still got it...
(The Ultimate Hip Hop Directory--)
Change The Game is the most comprehensive Hip Hop publication to date.
It defines every aspect necessary in the business!"
-- Meshaq Blaq, Editor, NO SELLOUT MAGAZINE
"...packs a lot of information...everything...!"
-- Havelock Nelson, BILLBOARD MAGAZINE
Change The Game is the definite source for those aspiring
to get into the music industry.. and not get jerked!"
-- Gabriel Tolliver, Associate Producer, YO! MTV RAPS
"Walt Goodridge's step-by-step guides are fundamental for all Rap entrepreneurs.
....clearly illustrates the basics for starting your own record label.
.... comprehensive reading, and an ideal roadmap for success in the music industry!"
--Kathy Danniels, UPSCALE MAGAZINE
"To the point, easy to read. If you're putting a business together in the
music industry, you must have this book!"
-- Wildman Steve, WBAU-FM, NY
"On Point! It's truly one stop shopping for info on the Rap Industry!"
"....shows great caring and depth and forsight.....a great instrument for anyone, young or old interested in the music industry!"
-- Rev. Mariah Britton, Riverside Church,
"...this is really giving a lot of love for Hip Hop!"
-- N. Robinson, CUSTOMER (WA)
What CUSTOMERS are saying!

"Your book is great! It helped me sell my first 5,000 units!--Fred Harmon, WA"

"I'm already deep into
Change The Game and this stuff is absolutely incredible! It's such a relief to see all these industry terms finally making some logical sense. Im only 18, I know I've got plenty of time to make this happen for myself but, Damn! Your book makes me feel like conquering the world is going to be easy.....I've got big plans man, I appreciate you helping me out!"--John D.

"I'm really glad you accepted my request, I signed my first two artists this month, all off the strength of the knowledge I got from your book. You're so inspirational" L. Scott [Facebook friend request;)

Mr. Goodridge
First off thank you, I received your book about 2 weeks ago.
Very busy here in the desert but I'm still able to get some good read time in.
Your book is one tho that I find myself having to take notes on more frequently.
Which is a very good thing since the last book I read was 4 years ago.
It holds my interest and answers the questions I want to know.

Thanks for your concern and quick reply to [my] email....
I can't wait to return to the states and apply the knowledge that this book is giving me. Peace
Senior Airman Randy Hall-Stevenson
380th Medical group
Al Dhafra Air Base

Thank you very much.
Fantastic Products you have, some of the best I have read. Peace! J. Joyce, FL

Hello Walt,
I am a 22 year old soldier in the U S Army. I recenty purchased your book, Change The Game because I am looking for a career change. I want to do what is in my heart, which is start a record label.

I have three artists already depending on me to make this happen, who are very talented. I also am an artist. I plan to leave the military in the spring of 2007. Right now I have just been collecting information and saving money.

Also, I would like to say ," Thank you Walt!" Your book has given me so much hope and inspiration in really following my dreams. You are amazing.
-Stephanie H.

God blessed you with a talent that is truly awesome!!! You are undoubtedly a
master at inspiring people, as well as being an intergral source at helping
individuals ignite their niche.
Valerie Odom
Philadelphia, PA
A Hip Hop Network Success Story!
Subj: Re: Walt's Friday Inspiration #188 *
Date: 10:33:00 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: CARLMELLO@****com
Please read all of this. I just wanted to give you a shout out. Brother, thank you first and foremost for caring about people. Your energy has sparked a few things to happen in my life.
I first heard of you in September because I was looking at or at some book review comments and you had listed your website in your comment. I'm not sure what the book was but I'm glad I went surfing the net that day for several reasons.
When I went to your website, I signed up for your email group, "hip hop biz". Shortly, after that a young lady named Christina Davis with Third Rail Entertainment sent out an email to the email group in an attempt to gather information on music management.
I responded to her request and we continued to email each other. I am part of a Hip Hop group called Prophetix ( and we were looking for management at that time. She was new to the entertainment industry and several years younger than me but that's what kind of person I was looking for as a manager.
After about a week of emailing, she got up enough nerve to call me on the phone and it completely blew both of our minds when she did. We matched the voices with the emails! I learned that she and her mother had started a management firm based out of Charlotte, NC. They were just getting started so they didn't know much but they had a killer instinct.
I kept putting the offer out for them to manage us because at that point my partner and I were doing everthing from booking shows, negotiating deals, running our record label, etc. We sent them a business plan and a press kit to show them what we had done so far as artist and as businessmen. They loved it!
We arranged to meet them in Columbia, SC which is a middle point from Atlanta, GA to Charlotte, NC. This was in November 2000. We had lunch with them and we talked as if we had known each other for years. They sent us a trial management agreement, we signed it and the rest is history.
Since that time they have been outstanding. They have made plenty of calls and booked us several shows...paying shows! And we get to sell our CD's and 12 inches at the shows so that's more money.
We just did a show this past Wednesday (3/28/01) at Harper-Archer High School in Atlanta, GA for the Senior class that they arranged. Remember, they are based in Charlotte! I always tell people how we met over the Internet. It's very inspirational and sometimes unbelievable.
Walt, the show at the high school was one I'll never forget. It touched my heart to perform for our kids and to answer their questions about the music industry. I pray that GOD continues to bless you my friend. You have been instrumental in making my dreams become reality. Please feel free to use this as a testimonial. Keep up the great work my friend.
Carlton L. Lewis, COO
Asylum Entertainment, Inc.
aka Mello from Prophetix
Inspiration #188 (Make The World Go Wow) is off the hook. I put it up in my cubicle at
work and I will put it in my home office. I am going into real estate investing full time as of April
6th, and this Friday's Inspiration will help keep me focused.